No, that's not a beer gut, it's Little Kvidahl making his/her presence known to the world! With the baby bump now more pronounced at 18 weeks, we thought we'd debut a mom and baby picture. Our little one has made several appearances on screen already. The first was at only 7 weeks old at our first ultrasound appointment, when we were introduced to our next family member. At 7 weeks lil' one was already showing us a steady heartbeat, reassuring mom and dad-to-be that things were going swimmingly. Then at 9 weeks, our next ultrasound, baby showed not only that he/she could keep a good rhythm (maybe baby will take after mom on that one), but also showed off some right and left hook punches (float like a butterfly...sting like a bee)! Our last appointment, at 13 weeks, we heard one of the most beautiful sounds to parents' ears -- lil' one's heart beating. David recorded the heartbeat for posterity on his Blackberry and then emailed it to himself to convert it into an mp3 file so we can listen to it on our computer or iPods (ain't technology grand!).
Our next appointment will be on September 17th (19 weeks), were we will get another peak at how much baby has grown and find out the gender of Little Kvidahl.
Stay tuned for more pictures of Lisa's growing belly and updates on how the next generation is doing.
Awww, Baby K!! How cute! I will definitely be staying tuned! :)