Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Tis the Season....for everyone to get sick!

Thanksgiving proved to be so exciting, that Mommy and Logan both caught colds heading back home. It turns out that Logan is a lot like Mommy when he gets sick in that he needs extra snuggles. So snuggle we did! But we also stayed in our pajamas all weekend, which was a lot of fun. Logan enjoyed an addition to his sleeping wardrobe -- a new winter hat!

Who you calling a Turkey?!

Logan's first Thanksgiving was anything but "for the bird" (especially since he didn't eat any turkey)! Traveling up to Chicago to visit Grandma and Grandpa vW turned out to be a breeze. Have woobie (that's Logan's favorite snuggle cloth), will travel! In fact, aside from a brief, but fun stop at Cracker Barrel for lunch and a new winter hat (pics on that to follow!), Logan slept most of the trip.

Added bonuses to the trip included getting to spend some time with Uncle Mike, Aunt Jen, and Cousin Ella and Logan getting to meet Mommy's Uncle, Aunt, and Cousin and Grandma vW's cousins.

Here are some pictures of our whirlwind visit...

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween!

No, Logan didn't go trick-or-treating this year. Nor did he have any candy (though for the record, he now has 4 teeth!). But he did have a rockin' glow-in-the-dark skeleton outfit that he enjoyed wearing all day. He wore it when he watched football with dad. He slept in it during nap time. He wore it to the grocery store with mom.... You get the point. I'm sure there will come a day in the not-too-distant future when Logan will want to wear his Halloween costume all day when it's not Halloween! And although he freaked out when the first trick-or-treater came to the door (a very intimidating two-year-old in a camouflage batman suit), I have no doubt he'll be a pro come next year! Happy Halloween!

{Sigh} Fall

It's finally feeling like Fall in St. Louis. Say what you will about our Summer's here, but Fall makes up for it in spades. This past week we took a family field trip to the Sculpture Park. We strolled around for a bit and discovered the park is more of a hiking park....pushing a stroller along a wooded trail...not so easy. Although, Logan thoroughly enjoyed the bumpitty-bumpitty of it all! And then we picked a nice open space for Logan to crawl around and explore, while mommy and daddy caught their breath. Logan had so much fun we had to chase him down!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

He's gone mobile!

Logan put it all together yesterday. After some fits and starts the past weekend, he put one foot, er, knee, in front of the other and crawled for the first time.
It wasn't easy to lure him to do it again with the camera on. I had to tempt him with my BlackBerry and when I pulled it back as he reached me he gave me the death stare...geez, I wonder where he learned that from? (There's a full screen video HERE).

Monday, October 18, 2010

An Autumn Day in the Park

Today Logan played at the park for the very first time.
The swing seemed to be the biggest hit of the adventure.
Followed by going down the slide (held by mom of course!).

Even chillin' under the jungle gym, feeling the texture of the cushiony playground (and attempting to pick up every single piece of debris to sample) seemed to be a lot of fun!

Now that the weather has finally cooled off, there will certainly be more adventures to the park!
Another BIG first today....Logan began crawling!!! The playground will never be so low-key!
Stay tuned for pics (and maybe video, if mom can figure out how to be so tech-savvy) of Logan on the go...

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Road Trip! Road Trip! Road Trip!

Logan took his very first trek up I-55 to Chicago to visit Grandma and Grandpa V over Labor Day weekend. In addition to this being his very first road trip, he had his first sleep over in the pack 'n' play (not nearly as traumatic as mom had anticipated, thank goodness!), first stop at a rest stop (Ok, 3 stops at a rest stop both coming up and going back home), and first view of Lake Michigan.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

You oughta be in pictures...

Here is a post simply and shamelessly created to slip into that "my baby is the most adorable baby in the whole wide world" parent mode for just a moment.

Monday, August 2, 2010

Kickin' it

Last Saturday marked Logan's sixth month on this planet! To celebrate (ok, maybe we just needed to get out of the house because we finally had a day below 100 degrees!), the whole family hung out in the very trendy part of town and people watched (or in Logan's case, looked cute and gnawed on his monkey).

This week, Logan had his pediatrician appointment. The results are in (drum roll please)... He's just under 19lbs and 28.75 inches long! Yes, that's right, Logan has doubled his size since birth! Since mommy is such a brain dork, she was also very happy to hear that Logan has gained 2cm in head circumference. Grow baby brain, grow!

In addition to seeing Logan growing rapidly in size, it has been amazing to watch him learning. He is on the very cusp of crawling (this week he scoots on his belly, lunging himself forward with his legs). He can sit up for short periods of time unsupported (longer if he is playing with the top that Grandma vW got him!). He passes objects big and small from hand to hand (and eventually to mouth!). Although he's not saying words just yet, he has plenty of baby conversations with us, his crib mobile, and himself from the morning when he wakes until after bathtime at night.

Ain't No Party Like a Baptismal Party....

July flew by so fast that I didn't get a chance to post pictures from Logan's Baptism! We were so thankful to have both sets of grandparents, great aunt and uncle Kvidahl, Logan's aunt and both uncles, his cousin, Ella, and some of my friends in attendance. Gram Kvidahl handmade Logan's christening gown which not only had buttons from Logan's great, great, great grandparents sewn on to it, but it also had a "K" embroidered on the chest and the underskirt had his full name and Baptism date embroidered on it. It was a very special outfit for a very special day! After the ceremony, friends and family joined us back at the house for some good eats and conversation.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Celebrating Fathers and Sons

It truly is amazing to watch the love between a father and son. Dad's day is practically everyday in the Kvidahl household, since Daddy has the "day shift." However, we did celebrate David's first Father's Day holiday properly. First with banana pancakes (yum!). Then an adventure to the Loop to mill around and enjoy lunch at Pi (more yum!!).

There's no doubt that time with Daddy is fun time (sometimes it's filled with so many giggles, it makes Mommy jealous!). Here are some pictures of just the boys enjoying some good bonding.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

First Mother's Day

It was a little chilly and everyone and their mother was there (ha ha), but it was fun spending my first Mother's Day at the Missouri Botanical Garden. Earlier that morning I became a stawberry blonde as part of a mini mom makeover (Do blonde moms have more fun? We shall see!).