This week, Logan had his pediatrician appointment. The results are in (drum roll please)... He's just under 19lbs and 28.75 inches long! Yes, that's right, Logan has doubled his size since birth! Since mommy is such a brain dork, she was also very happy to hear that Logan has gained 2cm in head circumference. Grow baby brain, grow!
In addition to seeing Logan growing rapidly in size, it has been amazing to watch him learning. He is on the very cusp of crawling (this week he scoots on his belly, lunging himself forward with his legs). He can sit up for short periods of time unsupported (longer if he is playing with the top that Grandma vW got him!). He passes objects big and small from hand to hand (and eventually to mouth!). Although he's not saying words just yet, he has plenty of baby conversations with us, his crib mobile, and himself from the morning when he wakes until after bathtime at night.

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