Monday, February 14, 2011

Long time..No Blog...

Okay, so I've slacked off (I prefer the term "taking a sanity break, because my son is finally sleeping through the night predictably and I can now catch up on 10 months worth of sleep deprivation" thank you very much!) with the blog the past couple of months. We've been in the midst of learning how nutty the winter season will truly be for the St. Louis Kvidahls from here on out. To demonstrate that I had very good reasons for not getting around to updating the blog, here is a summary of what we've been up to...
They say that a picture is worth a thousand words. That might be true. But, these beautiful family photos do not tell the story of the absolute hell that broke loose mere hours after they were taken.
Later that day, Logan began showing signs of being sick. I will spare you the details of how little ones seem to be germ bumblebees who easily and quickly "pollenate" everyone with whom they come into contact. But, I will say that when people say "s**t happens", they conveniently neglect to add how much or how often!


You know you've had a tough year when you force yourself to stay awake until midnight on New Year's, just so that you can say "So long 2010" and "Thank God 2011 is here!" We stayed up until exactly midnight before completely crashing and closing the chapter on 2010.

The beginning of January was mostly recovery from everyone being sick and getting back into our usual routine. At the end of the month, it was my birthday. When you are a mom, your birthday quickly joins the ranks of lesser holidays, like "Boxing Day" -- especially if your birthday is within 10 days of your child's! On the other hand, the cool thing about having a birthday when you are a mom is that you get cute cards from both your husband and son (okay, this year the cards were store bought, but I have high hopes for homemade cards in the very near future!) and who doesn't love cupcakes at any age?

February is officially my favorite month. Some might guess it's my favorite because it is the month of Valentine's Day. Nope. February is the month when I get to celebrate my two favorite guys!

David's birthday came on Groundhog's Day (I have to tell it like it is...the groundhog came first unfortunately!). Though Punxsutawney Phil didn't see his shadow, telling us that Spring was soon on its way, you wouldn't have known it by the 8 plus inches of snow and ice combo we received the night before. But, it gave us a snow day off from work to enjoy David's birthday and pick up Gram Kvidahl from the airport! Logan and I baked an angel food cake in celebration.


Since Logan was born on Super Bowl Sunday, we thought we would celebrate his birthday on Game Day! Gram Kvidahl, Grandma and Grandpa vW, and Logan's Godmother and her family were in attendance. The biggest highlights of the day (aside from the company of course!) were eating cake for the first time, playing with balloons, and once the sugar from the cake kicked into gear, climbing as fast as possible in and out of a playtent bus that Godmother gave Logan (so fast that mommy couldn't take a clear picture of the fun!).

And that is the end of 2010 and the beginning of 2011. Stay tuned for "Tales of the Toddling Logan" coming soon...


  1. love the update and new pictures, hadn t seen some of them before. G&GD

  2. Love the post! I've missed your blog. Look at that red hair!!!
