In the past month or so Logan's personality has really been blossoming (a psychological growth spurt if you will). He likes to dance (especially to reggae. I guess he's trying to tap into his inner rastafarian! He could totally pass!), he loves books (I now know all of his favorite stories by heart. Which comes in handy when you are really tired and can't see straight to read the words!), he is a total ham (It's not uncommon to look in the rearview mirror of the car to see Logan putting random toys and water bottles on his head for a laugh), and he can't contain himself when it comes to splashing water (And I mean anything he can get his hands into...water fountain, sink, cup, tub, pool, dirty stagnant rain puddle...).
Here is a little showcase of Logan with / doing some of his favorite things.
Logan playing with his new King Crazy Crab pool.

A boy, a good jam, and a sweat bike (thanks Uncle Mike, Aunt Jen, Cousins Ella and Ben!)
Let me introduce you to my toys...
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