Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Still growing....

At 25 weeks (we're past the halfway mark!), I am now noticeably pregnant to pretty much everyone (you know you're looking pregnant when strangers in the checkout line no longer hestitate to ask, "So when are you due?"). Now that my energy has returned (at least for now), I am feeling large and in charge! Baby's presence is felt off and on throughout the day in kicks, punches, swirls, and twirls. But we are starting to notice that baby is developing a pattern much like dad's in that our little one doesn't really start getting moving until about 10:30 or so in the morning (unless mom forgot to eat a snack before bed, in which case baby wakes mom up at 3am to remind her it is time to eat!), gradually becomes more active as the day progress, and seems to be ready to party from after dinner until about midnight. I say, "live it up little one while you still have the real estate for acrobatics!" I'm hoping in the next few weeks that David will be able to take part in the fun and be able to feel the high fives and the hi-ya's when he puts his hand on my belly. But for now it appears that baby and I have our first "inside" joke!

A picture is worth 1,000 words

About 4.5 weeks ago (Baby aprox. 19.5 weeks) we had our anatomy ultrasound. During the ultrasound we saw most of Baby Kvidahl's developing parts. Weighing in at about 10 ounces so far, our little one is already ahead of the curve size wise. But, that is probably no surprise for the Kvidahl side of the family! Baby was demonstrating some early martial art skills in the form of kicks and punches. Both the ultrasound technician and our doctor said that everything is looking just fine. David indulged me a bit by encouraging the technician to linger on the images of the brain. We didn't get a picture of it (much to this "brain dork's" disappointment), but here is a profile picture and a picture of baby's foot eager to kick mom at every opportunity! So tiny, but so amazing....